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About Me


make your own 


Dream big

Originally from a kibbutz in the northern part of Israel,  I came to New York City after three years of military service with a hunger to build a new life. For over a decade, I have pursued both a professional career, working as a branding and marketing director, as well as an artistic one, creating theatre and founding a nonprofit theatre company where I serve as the artistic director.


During my years in the business world, I have worked with many companies, helping them build and grow their business in areas such as product design, sales/management training, merchandising, and creating an overall cohesive brand identity that speaks to their clientele.


In addition, through my work as an artistic director, I have helped writers, actors, designers, and choreographers develop their work. I learned how to bring out each artist’s individual voice while helping them shape and flesh out their creative ideas.


Through all my experience of working with people, I have always found that no matter what field I was in, it was impossible to separate the individual from their work.

I learned to help people work through personal inhibitions and limitations that were stopping them from achieving greater success. It was that process which lead me to get my certification in coaching and begin another stage of my career.


Since then, I have been fusing both elements of consulting and coaching together in work that I have found to be both effective and extremely powerful for the individual. The result is greater work that speaks to who they are and who they aspire to become.

Co-Founder & Artistic Director

The Poet Acts, Inc.


Directing Mentor

The Barrow Group/

Quinnipiac University


Visiting Director

Columbia University & Fordham University



Wellness Coaching

Coach Training EDU


Digital Photography 

School of Visual arts


Creative Non-Fiction 

New york university



dream big

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